Wednesday 2 March 2016



A State Level Convention of  AIPEU GDS NFPE  was organised at Tiruchirappalli on 28.02.2016 at SRMU Hall, Trichy Railway junction. Com. S. Ramaraj, Circle President of AIPEU GDS NFPE  presided  the  convention. Welcome address was made by Com. R. Vishnudevan, Circle Financial Secretary. 

Inagural address was made by Com. K. Ragavendran, General Secretary of All India Postal and RMS Pensioners Association. Special address was made by Com. M. Krishnan, Secretary General of  Confederation of CG Employees & Workers. Com. P. Pandurangarao, General Secretary of AIPEU GDS NFPE  has made the key address on the GDS issues and membership reverification process. 

Further, Com. K.V. Sridharan,Ex-General Secretary, P3 CHQ, Com. S. Ragupathi, Asst. Sec. General, NFPE, Com. J. Ramamurthy, All India President, P3 CHQ & CS P3 TN, Com.A. Manoharan, Working President, NFPE, Com. Murugadoss, Genl. Sec.,AI Stenographers Assn., Com. A . Veeramani, AGS, P3 CHQ,  Com. P. Thirumagan, AGS, P4 CHQ,  Com. K. Sankaran, AGS, R3 CHQ, Com.  R. Santhanam , AGS R4 CHQ, Com. G. Kannan, Convener, TN COC & Circle Sec. P4, Com.N. Gopalakrishnan, Ex-Wkg. President, P3 CHQ, Com.P.Mohan, Circle President, P3, Com. D. Sivagurunathan, Fin. Sec.CHQ of  Casual Labour Union, Com. R. Dhanaraj, Dy. Gen. Sec & Circle Sec. AIPEU GDS NFPE, TN, Com.K.C. Ramachandran, AGS, AIPEU GDS NFPE, Com. K. Rajendran, Ex- President, COC & Ex- Circle Sec. R4, Com.S. Karunanidhi, Ex-Member JCM DC and other leaders addressed the convention. Elaborate arrangements were made by the team headed by Com. R. Dhanaraj, Circle Secretary, Com. R. Vishnudevan, CFS & Com. Govindarajan,Regl. Sec. P4 Union.

It was unanimously resolved to organise a campaign  to submit the memorandum on GDS demands to the Kamalesh Chandra Commitee from  each and every member of the union individually, as prepared and directed by the All India Union.

Further resolved to organise the entire GDS cadre in Tamilnadu Circle  to be a member of AIPEU GDS NFPE  in the proposed membership reverification process & in the process, all out efforts should be made by all the Constitutent Circle Unions of NFPE .

It is reitereted by all the Constituent union office bearers , who addressed in the convention that, If any anti union activity is made by any member/office bearer during the course of reverification process against the directives of  All India Unions and NFPE, specific report should be made to the appropriate bodies and action should be taken against such of those members/office bearers/body immediately, in the interest of the organisation.

The convention  witnessed a  mammoth presence of more than 1200 members, including office bearers of the union till the close , which shows the expectation from among the GDS cadre on our mighty Movement.  Some of the  photos taken during the convention are exhibited below for your view.

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