Tuesday 31 December 2013

Department of Posts issued orders to keep in abeyance the orders on abolition of posts for the years 2005, 2006, 2007 & 2008.

 மீண்டும் ஒரு புத்தாண்டு  மற்றும் 

பொங்கல் பரிசு !

2005 - 2008 க்கான  நேரடி  நியமன பதவிகளில் SKELETON  இல் வைத்திருந்த  பதவிகளை ஒழித்திட மத்திய அரசும் நம் இலாக்காவும் உத்திரவிட்ட  செய்தி நாம் அனைவரும் அறிந்ததே !

இது குறித்து  அஞ்சல் நான்கின் பதவிகள் ஒழிப்பை எதிர்த்து பாண்டிச்சேரி , தாம்பரம் , சிவகங்கை போன்ற கோட்டங்களில் செயலர்கள் கேட்டுக் கொண்டதற்கு இணங்க நம் தமிழக அஞ்சல் மூன்று உதவியதன் அடிப்படையில் தமிழகத்தில் தடையுத்தரவினை நாம் பெற்றதும் நாம் ஏற்கனவே  இந்த வலைத்தளத்தில் அறிவித்திருந்தோம். 

தற்போது ஏற்கனவே நமது மத்திய சங்கங்களான அஞ்சல் நான்கு  மற்றும் NFPE  GDS  சங்கங்கள்  PRINCIPAL  BENCH  CAT புது டெல்லியில் தொடர்ந்த வழக்கில் நிரந்தர தடையுத்தரவு கிடைக்கப் பெற்றதன் அடிப்படையில் 

 நமது இலாக்கா முதல்வர் அவர்கள்  28.5.2013 க்குப் பிறகு இந்தியா முழுமைக்கும் GROUP B, GROUP C,  GROUP D  ஒழிக்கப் பட உத்திரவிடப்பட்ட   அனைத்து உத்திரவுகளையும்  வழக்கு முடியும் வரை  நிறுத்தி வைத்து இலாக்கா ஆணை அளித்துள்ளார் 

என்பதை  மிக்க மகிழ்ச்சியுடன் தெரிவித்துக் கொள்கிறோம். 

அந்த உத்திரவின் நகலை உங்கள் பார்வைக்கு கீழே அளித்துள்ளோம்.

எனவே  அந்தந்த அஞ்சல் மூன்று , அஞ்சல் நான்கு  கோட்டச் செயலர்கள்  இந்த உத்தரவின் நகலை எடுத்து  அந்தந்த  கோட்ட கண்காணிப்பாளர்களுக்கு  உடன் கடிதம் அளித்து , ஒழிக்கப் பட்ட பதவிகளை  RESTORE  செய்திட கோரவும். 

இந்த வெற்றி  நமது வெற்றி !  NFPE  பேரியக்கத்தின் வெற்றி !  NFPE  GDS  சங்கத்தின் வெற்றி !

Sunday 29 December 2013

CAT CHENNAI quashes fresh proceedings against retired employee

                               THE TIMES OF INDIA   

           CHENNAI: 27.12.2013.  Can an employee be punished twice for the same offence? No, said the Chennai bench of the Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT) on Wednesday quashing an order of the ministry of communications and IT to initiate fresh proceedings against a retired assistant postmaster who had undergone punishment for his supervisory lapses.
      The matter pertains to V Muthukannu, sub-postmaster in Karur division, who was accused of irregular closure of a recurring deposit and non-account of deposits. In his submissions to the tribunal, Muthukannu said in March 2010, the superintendent of post offices ordered recovery of Rs 8,000 per month from his salary for the loss caused to the postal department. After seven months, it was increased to Rs 12,000. For his contributory negligence, he paid Rs 5.07 lakh to the department. Also, for a year, his salary was reduced and no increments were provided, said Muthukannu.
     However, in April 2012, a month before his retirement, the member (personnel), department of posts, dropped the earlier concluded proceedings and initiated a fresh proceeding for the same lapses. He was also issued a memo stating his retirement benefits had been withheld. He asked the CAT to set aside the order for fresh proceedings.
     In the counter, the department of post denied the averments and said Muthukannu was involved in a fraud to the tune of Rs 17.46 lakh at the Karur head post office. Fresh proceedings were initiated according to the rules and there was no question of "double jeopardy." Further, it was an exceptional case and had to be dealt with accordingly.
    The bench comprising judicial member B Venkateshwara Rao and administrative member P Prabhakaran said, "Once the punishment imposed is undergone, no one can direct a fresh inquiry in the same set of charges."
       The bench quashed the order for fresh proceedings and directed the department to pay all retrial benefits to Muthukannu.

Indiapost Started Internet Banking.

About DoP Internet Banking

Following facilities are available for DOP e banking portal user:
My Profile:

         1. Change 'Sign-on' and Transaction Password.
         2. Set Preferences.
         3. Update channel id.
         4. View personnel details.

         1. Accounts Summary.
         2. Savings accounts details.
         3. RD account details.
         4. PPF accounts details.
         5. TD accounts details.
         6. NSC Account details.
         7. Loan on RD details.
         8. Loan on PPF details.
         9. Tax deducted at source details.

Terms and Conditions

1. Definitions:
         In these Terms of Service (Terms & Conditions), unless the context indicates otherwise, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings indicated against them:
          ♦    The Department of Posts comes under the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology. The Postal Service Board, the apex management body of the Department, comprises the Chairman and six Members. The six members of the Board hold portfolios of Personnel, Operations, Technology, Postal Life Insurance, Human Resources Development, Planning respectively. The Joint Secretary and Financial Advisor to the Department is a permanent invitee to the Board. The Board is assisted by a senior staff officer of the Directorate as Secretary to the Board. Deputy Directors General, Directors and Assistant Directors General provide the necessary functional support for the Board at the Headquarters.
          ♦    DoP refers to Department of Posts.
          ♦    The Site means
          ♦    Internet Banking Services are one of the services offered by Department of Posts which provide access to account information, products and other services (including Transaction of financial and non-financial in nature) as advised by the Department from time to time to the customers through the internet banking website.
          ♦    User refers to a customer of Department of Posts who is authorized to use Internet Banking Services.
          ♦    Confidential Information refers to the information obtained by the customer through the Department of Posts for availing various services through e-Banking.
          ♦    Personal Information refers to the information about the User obtained by the Department of Posts in connection with the Internet Banking Service.
          ♦    Account refers to the User's Savings and/or RD and/or or any other type of account so designated by the Department of Posts to be eligible account(s) for the operations through the use of Internet Banking.
          ♦    In the event of new accounts opened by the User under the same CIF in future, then the Terms of Service (Terms & Conditions) shall automatically apply to such further use of the Internet Banking by the User.
          ♦    In case of accounts opened for and on behalf of minors, the Internet Banking facility shall not be made available to the minor. The natural guardian of the minor shall be permitted to use Internet banking with only 'Limited Transaction' rights. The natural guardian shall undertake to give all instructions relating to the operation of the account and further undertake not to reveal the User ID and Password to the minor, which if done so, will be at the risk and consequences of the guardian and Department of Posts shall not be liable for any loss on that account in case the account is operated by the minor. In such an event the transaction will be deemed to have been undertaken by the guardian.
          ♦    Third party product refers to any product and/or service of third party which is offered by or through the intermediary of Department of Posts.
          ♦    Customer refers to Customer named in the Application Form and shall, where the context requires, include any authorized representative of the Customer.
          ♦    Internet Banking Services refers to a service offered by Department of Posts through which a registered Customer may conduct enquiries or perform transactions on the Internet banking website
          ♦    SMS Password refers to one time 8 digit pass code that would be sent to a customer's mobile number registered on the record of Department of Posts.
          ♦    Instruction means any request or instruction that is received from the customer by the Department of Posts through Internet Banking services.
2. Applicability of Terms & Conditions:
          These Terms mentioned herein form the contract between the User using the Internet Banking services and Department of Posts. By applying for Internet Banking Services and accessing the service, the User acknowledges and accepts these Terms of Service (Terms & Conditions). Any conditions relating to the accounts of customer other than these Terms will continue to apply except that in the event of any conflict between these Terms and the account conditions, these Terms will continue to prevail. The agreement shall remain valid until it is replaced by another agreement or terminated by either party or account is closed, whichever is earlier.
3. Application of Internet Banking Services:
          Department of Posts may offer Internet Banking services to selected customers at its discretion and has the right to accept or reject such application as may be submitted by the users. The Customer acknowledges that he/she possesses knowledge of the Internet usage and will have legal access to the Internet. Customers willing to utilize the e-Banking services may approach the Post Office, where their account is maintained or willing to open their account, in person for registering themselves. Department of Posts will advise from time to time regarding the Internet software such as Browsers, which are required for using Internet Banking services. There will be no obligation on the part of the DoP to support all the versions of this Internet software.
4. Internet Banking:
          The information provided to the user through the Internet Banking is not updated continuously but at regular intervals. Consequently, any information supplied to the user through Internet Banking will pertain to the date and time when it was last updated and not as the date and time when it is supplied to the user. Department of Posts shall not be liable for any loss that the user may suffer by relying on or acting on such information. Department of Posts may keep its records of the transactions in any form it wishes. In the event of any dispute, the DoP records shall be binding as the conclusive evidence of the transactions carried out through Internet Banking in the absence of clear proof that the DoP's records are erroneous or incomplete. Any request for any service, which is offered as a part of Internet Banking, shall be binding on the user as and when the DoP receives such a request. If any request for a service is such that it cannot be given effect to unless it is followed up by requisite documentation on part of the user, the Department of Posts shall not be required to act on the request until it receives such documentation from the user. The USER understands that the DoP shall be bound by any circulars and directives issued by the Ministry of Finance/Reserve Bank of India with regard to the maintenance and operation of deposit accounts from time to time. The USER acknowledges and undertakes to be equally bound to comply therewith. The USER also hereby absolves and holds blameless the Department of Posts from any claim or damages in respect of any delay on the part of the DoP in carrying out any instructions given by the USER over the internet, where such delay is on account of technological failure, or other reasons beyond the control of the Department of Posts. In cases of technological failure, DoP shall endeavour to keep the downtime to the minimum.
5. Un-authorized Access:
          The user shall take all necessary precautions to prevent unauthorized and illegal use of Internet Banking and unauthorized access to the Accounts provided by Department of Posts e-Banking services. DoP shall take all commercially reasonable care to, ensure the security of and to prevent unauthorised access to the Internet Banking using commercially reasonable technology available in India to the Department of Posts. The USER shall also be responsible for maintenance of the secrecy of the personal details of the ACCOUNTS at all times. If the USER fails to keep secret such personal details of the ACCOUNT, then, the Department of Posts shall stand absolved of all obligations under this AGREEMENT. The user shall ensure that e-Banking service offered by DoP or any related service is not used for any purpose which is illegal, improper or which is not authorised under these Terms. If any USER has any reason to believe that there is any unauthorized access of his or her ACCOUNT, the USER shall immediately intimate the DoP at the Post Office branch. The USER understands and recognizes that in matters of unauthorized access, time is of the essence, for speedy detection and prevention. Therefore, any failure on the part of the USER to speedily notify DoP, shall absolve the DoP of any further responsibility with respect to such unauthorized access.
6. Internet Banking access and Passwords:
          The user would be allotted an Internet Banking user-id and user password & transaction password by Department of Posts in the first instance. The user will be required to change the password assigned on accessing Internet Banking for the first time. As a safety measure, the user shall change the password as frequently thereafter. In addition to user-id and password DoP may, the user may setup PAM (Personal Access Message) during the first time login. This message will be displayed during the user password entry screen to show the authenticity of the Internet banking site.
7. Joint Accounts:
          The user desirous of using the POSB account should be either the account holder Or sole signatory or authorized to act independently in case of a joint account. For such joint account, one user-ID and password will be issued to each of the joint account holders when requested. The other joint account holders shall expressly agree with the arrangement and give their consent on the application form for use of the account. In case of joint accounts operated by more than one user, Department of Posts shall act on the instruction received first and any subsequent instruction shall be neglected. All correspondence will be addressed to the first named person only. All transactions arising from the use of the Internet Banking services in the joint account shall be binding on all the joint account holders, jointly and severally.
8. Service Charges:
          Department of Posts reserves the right to charge and recover from the user service charges for providing the e-Banking services. Services charges may be changed periodically by the department. The user hereby authorizes Department of Posts to recover the service charges by debiting one of the Savings accounts of the user or by sending a bill to the user who will be liable to make the payment within the specified period. Failure to do so shall result in recovery of the service charges by department in a manner as the DoP may deem fit along with such interest, if any, and/or suspension of the facility of e-Banking services without any liability to the department.
 9. Minimum Balance maintenance and Charges:
          The USER shall maintain, at all times such minimum balance in account(s) as the Department of Posts may stipulate from time to time. DoP may, at its discretion, levy penal charges for non-maintenance of the minimum balance. In addition to the minimum balance stipulation, DoP may levy service charges for use of Internet Banking, which will be advised to the USER at the time of opening the account. Any further change in the fees shall be notified on the DoP Web site. The USER authorises DoP to recover all charges related to Internet Banking as determined by DOp from time to time by debiting one of the USER's accounts. However at present there are no charges levied. DoP may withdraw the Internet banking facility, if at any time the amount of deposit falls short of the required minimum as aforesaid and/or if the service charges remain unpaid, without giving any further notice to the USER and/or without incurring any liability or responsibility whatsoever by reason of such withdrawal. DoP shall not be obligated to intimate the withdrawal of such facility over the internet.
10. Transfer of Funds through DoP Internet Banking:
          The User accepts that he will be responsible for keying in the correct account number for the fund transfer request. In no case, DoP will be held liable for any erroneous transactions incurred arising out of or relating to the customer entering wrong account numbers. The User shall not attempt to transfer funds without sufficient funds in the related Account. In case of insufficient funds, DoP is not responsible for non-execution /non-payment/breakage of Time deposit accounts of the Accounts linked to the subject Account or of any consequences thereof. DoP shall not be liable for any omission to make all or any of the payments or for late payments due to circumstances beyond its reasonable control. If the funds transfer is made available to the User, it may be used for transfer of funds from the subject Account to other accounts belonging to third parties maintained at DoP and/or at any other Bank which falls under the network of the Reserve Bank of India's Electronic Funds Transfer System. However RTGS/NEFT and other bank payments are not available with DoP Internet banking as of now and it will be established in the near future.
11. Personal Information disclosure:
          The USER agrees that the Department of Posts or its vendors may hold and process his PERSONAL INFORMATION on system or otherwise in connection with Internet Banking services as well as for statistical analysis and credit scoring. The USER also agrees that DoP may disclose, in strict confidence, to other institutions, such "PERSONAL INFORMATION" as may be reasonably necessary for reasons inclusive of, but not limited to, the following:
          ♦    Participation in any telecommunication or electronic clearing network.
          ♦    In compliance with a legal directive.
          ♦    For credit rating by recognised credit scoring agencies.
          ♦    For fraud prevention purposes.
          The USER shall also be liable, upon request by DoP in this regard to present himself or herself in person before the concerned Post Office, when any personal verification is found necessary by Department of Posts.
12. TDS:
          Tax will be deducted at source, if the Customer's interest income in any financial year exceeds threshold amount prescribed. Interest income will be a summation of interest earned and accrued on all Time deposits in the Customer's name as the primary Account holder. DoP at its discretion shall be entitled to deduct Tax at source on interest payable to the Customer on accrual basis or on the basis of actual payment and interchange the same. The rate at which the tax will be deducted will be as per applicable/governing laws. In the event if the Customer requires that no tax is required to be deducted on the interest payable by DoP to him, Customer shall submit such Form as is prescribed by the Income Tax authorities or Income Tax Rules. If the Customer does not submit the prescribed Form for any one of the Time Deposit, DoP shall be entitled to deduct tax on interest on all the Time deposits.
13. Terms & Conditions changes:
          Department of Posts has the absolute discretion to amend or supplement any of the terms at any time without notice. Changed terms and conditions shall be effective immediately on being circulated in Post offices/updated in website and the USER agrees and shall be deemed to have accepted the changed terms and conditions. DoP may also sub-contract and employ agents to carry out any of its obligations under this contract.

Dear Comrades,
The Monthly meeting with SPOs will be held on 30.12.2013 After Noon 1500 hours. All the comrades are requested to send the subjects to Secretary immediately. 

NFPE, Srirangam

Wednesday 25 December 2013

Working Procedure with COD Articles


Procedure to Deal with COD articles in Postman Module

COD Articles receive , invoice and delivery procedure were included in this post to easy understand.
Main Modules were required to Update COD article delivery:
  • R Net Communication.
  • Postman 
  • ePayment

COD Articles not yet received even execute R Net Communication

Some offices may not updated the latest version before receive the COD articles, but after update MM 7 Update -7 article information not received.
In some cases Offices were updated before receive the COD articles but messages were not received.
  1. Update the Latest release of dated 17.12.13 Log in as Postman Supervisor send Request resend for COD articles under Tools option.
  2. Execute R Net Communication.
Note1: If problem not fixed kindly contact CEPT for Solution.
Note2: Request resend option available in only update 9 dated 17.12.13

How to Invoice COD ?

  • COD articles should be invoiced only in Postman Module under COD article post sorting option. Not in Register parcel. 
  • For BOs it should be invoiced by COD article > To BOs option in Postman Module.
  • For Mis-send /Mis match Pin-code articles need not invoice in postman or BO, it should be send to Booking office without invoicing to postman or BOs using Mismatch Pincode option in COD articles.

How to take Returns and submit amount?

  • Returns should be taken invoiced beat, for delivery beat do payment to treasury like as eVP.
(Treasury > Receipts > Postman returns > Beat >Enter cash -which was collected amount for COD)
  • For HO/SO Submit account should be done at Postman Supervisor under Treasury.
  • For BOs, verification should be done in Postman Supervisor  under Treasury ans it should be tallied with sub account. 

How to transmit payment details to Central Server

Delivered COD articles were checked whether proper account were made in Treasury module and its were transmitted to central server through ePayment Communication.
Courtesy : POTools


Merry Chirstmas

Sunday 22 December 2013

Important Informatios for GDS officials


75 - Points - 2745-50-4245
87.5 Points - 3200-60-5000
100 Points - 3660-70-5760
112.5 Points - 4115-75-6365
125 Points - 4575-85-7125 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 4575-85-7125 FREE  end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Upto 3hrs : 2665-50-4165 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 2665-50-4165 FREE  end_of_the_skype_highlighting
3hr 45mts : 3330-60-5130
>3h 45mts :4220-75-6470

GDS MC/Pkr -
Upto 3hrs :2295-45-3695
3hr 45mts :2870-50-4370 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 2870-50-4370 FREE  end_of_the_skype_highlighting
>3h 45mts :3635-65-5585


Fixed Stationery Charges (FSC)
GDSBPM : Rs.25 pm
GDSSV : Rs.10 pm
GDSDA : Rs.10 pm
MD/MC : Rs.10 pm

Cycle Maintenance (CMA)
(no distance condition)
GDSMD : Rs.60 pm
GDSMC : Rs.60 pm

Office Maintenance (OMA)
GDSBPM : Rs.100 pm

Combined Duty (CDA)
(conditions apply)
BPM+MD : Rs.500/- pm
................: Rs.250/- pm
BPM+MC : Rs.500/- pm
................: Rs.250/- pm
Rs.500/- & Rs.500/- or
Rs.500/- & Rs.250/- or
Rs.250/- & Rs.500/- or
Rs.250/- & Rs.250/-

Boat Allowance
GDSMC : Rs.50/- pm

Cash Conveyance
GDSBPM : Rs.50/- pm

Compensation to GDSMC
Rs.6/- per hour &
max Rs.12/- per day

Combination of duty
GDSMD+MC:Rs.25/- pd
GDSMC+MD:Rs.25/- pd
Max. Rs.625/- pm

Leave :
Paid leave : 20 days
(in two spells @10 each)
Leave without Allowances
180 days in corresponding year

Source :