Saturday 18 August 2012


No.P3/ -2/Srirangam dated the 24.07.2012

The Postmaster General,
Central Region,
Trichirappalli 620 001.
Sub: Request to stop the proposal of shifting the Divisional Office Srirangam Division to Trichy –        Reg.
With reference to the subject mentioned that the Divisional administration had met with the service unions and they had putforth the following :-

01. Divisional office should be in Divisional Jurisdiction.
02. Cent percent staff are ladies and it is difficult for them to travel 20 kms up and down daily to TRichy HO Sorting, Moreover, in the middle of the academic year they have to take care of kids going to school (primary standard) and their family, it is difficult for them to attend office in new premises.
03. The available space in the proposed new premises is also not enough to accommodate as huge RPLI proposals and records are there.
04. In case of emergency, Supdt of Post offices could not be contacted by the office bearers immediately as the distance is 10 kms away from srirangam. It takes 2 hours up and down to go and meet the Divisional Head.
05.Srirangam is an world important pilgrim centre, and there are frequent visits of higher level officers and even Ministerial staff and hence in order to cater their needs, D.O. should be at the Headquarters.
06. Moreover Srirangam is Chief Ministers personal constituency and all Departments related to State and Central are here. And Chief Minister’s office is also not interested to have this proposal.

On the background of the above, our Circle Union requests the PMG, CR to re-consider the shifting proposal to Trichy. Instead, alternate building may kindly be searched and secured at Srirangam itself , in order to satisfy the interest of both the staff and the local administration.

With regards,
Note:-This letter is handed over to the PMG, CR during the course of RJCM meeting held at Chennai on 24.7.2012 and assured for consideration by the PMG, CR.

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